The definition of vision is the state of being able to SEE.
Most of us were taught that vision begins with your eyes.
Vision actually begins in your mind, you must first think it. You have to be able to see it before you SEE it! Your soul has to be able to feel it before you TOUCH it.
Vision is birthed when you water your thoughts with passion.
You don’t have to have all the answers to begin. Educate yourself and know your why? Add determination, wisdom and don’t forget faith. Before you know it, your dreams will become more vivid. You will actually SEE what you’ve worked so hard for come to life! Remain unstoppable when things get tough, and they will get tough. If it were easy everyone would be doing it. Stay focused on your goals and keep going! Remember, if you don’t believe it, no one else will. Last but certainly not least, don’t be afraid to help someone else along the way. Her Lips and Lids, is determined to help, goal driven women around the world create the lifestyle most only dream of. Do it for YOU!
We believe in you ~
Tamara & Shonnah
Touching the VISION